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Society of Petroleum Engineers Jackson MS

Sand, commonly found in most wells, can be problematic.

The changing landscape is being accelerated by increasingly deeper shale development. As these new plays become an increasing percentage of onshore oil and gas production, new demands in rod pumping are being created.

View full documents below
SPE Abbrev Sand Control Jackson MS 2010 (.pdf)
SPE Abbrev Sand Control Jackson MS 2010 (.pps)

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Stren SC2000 XPR

SC2000 XPR completion screens provide a clean, sand-free wellbore for increased production flow and pump intake protection. Meeting or exceeding all other industry products, our inflow surface area ranges to 60 percent + compared with wire-wrapped screens or sand pre-packs at 3 to 9 percent.
“If you let sand get into your pump, you have a fight on your hands.”